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# MLS® Type Address BLDG/DESC OH City Age BD BA EXP Sq.Ft List Price L/A
1 R2898296 AU 9b 1500 Alberni Street 1600 SF Su Yes VAN 34 2 3 - 1633 $1,820,000 LT
2 R2905867 AU 407 590 Nicola Street Cacina at No VAN 24 2 2 - 1295 $1,749,900 LT
3 R2898031 AU 2301 5311 Goring Street 2301 5311 No BRE 4 2 2 - 1016 $1,499,900 LT
4 R2960006 AU 3003 1200 Alberni Street The Palisa No 29 3 2 - 1141 $1,388,000 LT
5 ASSIGN. AU 1309 6331 No. 3 Road Assignment No RIC - 0 1 - 377 $630,000 LT
6 R2964100 AU 1108 1166 Melville Street Orca Place No 28 1 1 - 587 $625,000 LT


ASSIGN -Assignment

AU -Apartment Unit

BA -Bathroom

BD -Bedroom

BLDG/DESC -Building/Description

EXP -Exposure

OH -Open House

1600 SF Suite rented at $6600/mo
2 Bed,3 Bath, 1633 sqft


Cacina at Waterfront Place - Coal Harbour - Rented at $4300/mo
2 Bed,2 Bath, 1295 sqft


2 Bed,2 Bath, 1016 sqft


The Palisades
3 Bed,2 Bath, 1141 sqft


Assignment of Contract - Tower 2 RC at CF Richmond
0 Bed,1 Bath, 377 sqft


1 Bed,1 Bath, 587 sqft
